User Feedback: Shaping the Future of Battle Fog Chess

Blog #10

Since launching the Battle Fog Chess beta, we’ve been blown away by the incredible feedback from our players. You’ve not only embraced the strategic chaos of BFC but have also shared invaluable insights that are helping us refine the game.

Here are some of the key areas where you’ve provided feedback:

1. User Interface (UI) Improvements: One of the most frequent requests was to add something that shows the last move made by each player. We completely agree that this is a crucial feature, especially in a game as strategic as BFC. We’re happy to report that this feature has been implemented, making it easier for you to keep track of the action on the board.

2. Emotes: We’ve heard loud and clear that you want more ways to express yourselves during games. The demand for emotes has been significant, and we’re currently working on integrating them into the game. Soon, you’ll be able to celebrate victories, commiserate losses, or just share a good laugh with your opponents.

3. AI Freezing Issues: Some of you experienced frustrating moments where the AI froze during gameplay. It was so bad at one point that I personally offered to play Users in PvP just to keep the games going! The good news is that we’ve fixed most of the freezing issues, and the AI should now be smoother and more responsive. Your feedback was crucial in helping us identify and address this problem quickly.

What’s Next? While we’ve made significant improvements, we’re not stopping here. We’re still fine-tuning the emotes and working on a few other features to make your Battle Fog Chess experience even better. We genuinely appreciate your patience and continued support as we make these updates.

Your feedback is shaping the future of BFC, and we can’t wait to show you what’s next. Keep those suggestions coming, and as always, thank you for being part of this journey with us.

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